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Vehicle traveling data recorder

Vehicle traveling data recorder

Product Name:Vehicle traveling data recorder
Keywords:Vehicle traveling data recorder
Shelf time:2019-06-22
Product description: Lentinus edodes is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with the same source of medicine and food. It has the functions of strengthening the body and tonifying the deficiency, invigorating the spleen and appetizing the stomach, dispelling wind and rash, resolving phlegm and regulating qi, detoxifying and anticancer. It has a good conditioning and therapeutic effect on the diseases and symptoms of the body, such as deficiency of vital energy, fatigue of spirit, poor appetite, dyspepsia, anemia, rickets, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, chronic hepatitis, night sweat, endless urination, edema, urticaria, toxic mushroom poisoning, tumor, etc. In daily life, through the comprehensive treatment of mushroom, stir fried vegetables and other traditional Chinese medicine after dialectic, it has a good conditioning and treatment effect on the above diseases of the body


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